
How to Spring Clean Inside and Out!


The weather has been unpredictable in the last few weeks but hopefully, we have seen the worst of it, with it dryer up and seeing warmer weather on the horizon now is the perfect time to spend a weekend or two removing the storm waste and doing a spring clean - inside and out - so you can enjoy a clean and clear space the rest of summer. 

We have put together a few pointers on how to do this and get rid of those overstayers at your home.

Attack your interior spring clean room by room to avoid feeling overwhelmed. Carry around four large boxes with you. Label them: give away, op-shop, sell, rubbish. 

Go through drawer by drawer, shelf by shelf and ask yourself a few Marie Kondo (decluttering expert) questions like:

- Do I love this?
- When was this last used?
- Do I already have another one/something similar?
- Will I wear/use this in the next 12 months or could I borrow something similar from a friend if I need it?

Try to only keep what you use and/or love. Anything else needs to be chucked into one of those four boxes. Get rid of anything broken, worn down or past its best. Be honest with yourself: if something's been in the "fix it" pile for a year, it's probably never going to happen - time to move it on!

Once the boxes are full, get them out of the house and into your car boot asap, to complete the decluttering process! Ring your op-shop in advance to ensure they're accepting goods. 

The longer nights and warmer weather mean it's the perfect time to get your outdoor area spic and span. Look in your garage, shed, or tool shed and follow the same process as you did inside - throw out anything not being used, extensively damaged by the storm or past its best. That half plank of 4x2? Biff it. Those useless broom handles? Chuck them. That broken umbrella? Get rid of it. 

Group together any loose items - gather all the random nails, washers, nuts and similar, and put them into the same jar, to make them easy to find and access the next time you need one. Check your outdoor furniture - does it need cleaning, staining or repairing or is it broken and dangerous and only fit for the dump? If so, load it onto your trailer. 

Spend a day in the garden. Weed, turn the soil, fertilise your plants, mow and do a weed and feed on your lawn for lush grass this summer. Keep your car boot clean and instead hire a Hireace trailer from Hireace or your local Z station for all your rubbish and garden debris. There's nothing quite as satisfying as a Saturday dump trip! 

Enjoy your clutter-free home and property! 

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